Friday, May 20, 2011

IGNITE, the video

Last autumn I was invited to present Mary to the hipsters of IGNITE, and posted the text of my five-minute talk here soon afterwards. For some  reason the title got conveyed as "The Story of Mary Wollstonecraft", which sounds so dull; I had intended something along the lines of "Sex, politics, religion: one amazing life". Here, belatedly, is the video the wonderful IGNITE team took (on their site, and directly on Vimeo). It is my first experiment with embedding video on this blog, and it stutters slightly when I play it; I hope this is merely the quality of the wifi where I happen to be at the moment. Let me know what you think in the comments.

The Story of Mary Wollstonecraft - by Roberta Wedge from chichard41 on Vimeo.


  1. great talk, Roberta!! wonderful to see you 'live' rather than simply read the speech.

  2. Hop the Eurostar today and catch me performing the five-minute biography again, this time at the Stokey Lit Fest! As the train pulls in to St Pancras, you can wave at Mary's grave in the churchyard to your right (carved in half with the help of the young Thomas Hardy 150 years ago, when her bones were transported to genteel Bournemouth). The bus to Stoke Newington leaves from outside the station, handily passing Newington Green, one of Mary's more significant homes.
